Frequently Asked Questions

General questions:

How many showrooms does Majarh Store have? Two exhibitions so far in Riyadh.

What are the working hours? From Saturday to Thursday from 9 am to 11 pm, as for customer service, it is from 8 am to 5 pm from Saturday to Thursday.

Questions related to the instalment system:

Are there additional costs or other fees imposed on instalment sales?

We have many financing solutions, including:

  • Kwara, yes there is an additional fee of 28% per year
  • Yes, there is an additional fee of 14% per year

Can the customer end the instalment with early payment?

Yes, in Kawara and Mrna, the customer can pay early for the full amount, and early payment reduces the percentage of profits and falls according to the months remaining to pay the amount.

Can a customer pay two consecutive instalments in one month?

Kwara and Mrna No, the customer cannot pay for two consecutive months. Only the customer can pay the full amount early.

Kwara and Mrna:

The applicant must be over 21 years old

The salary, after deducting insurance, must be 4,000 riyals or more

The client’s obligations or deductions from the client’s salary must not exceed 45%, and this must be disclosed if the client has a mortgage loan.

The customer must not have any defaults or delays in paying bills with telecommunications companies (Zain – Mobily – STC).

Can a non-Saudi obtain a device through instalments?

Yes, Saudis and residents can own a device through instalments

Will it appear to a recipient that I purchased the device in instalments?

No, Majarh Store has a very high level of privacy that prevents the recipient from viewing any data or details about the recipient’s customer

Is there a return or exchange if the purchase is made in instalments?

No, it is not possible

Can a customer obtain a device in instalments if he must stop services or deduct more than 45% of his salary?

No, it is not possible

What is the maximum amount for a customer to extract an instalment amount?

Majarh Store has many financing solutions, including:

Kwara and Mrna 50 thousand riyals

Is there any down payment that must be paid at the same time as raising the instillment request to purchase a device?


Kwara and Mrna No, there is no down payment. The deduction begins at the beginning of each month and as salaries decrease according to the instillment plan.

Is it possible to divide the device amount, part of the amount in cash and the other part of the amount in instalments?

Yes, this is possible by contacting us and informing us before submitting a financing request through the website