
Companies Comparison

Yearly benefits 28% Yearly 16% Yearly
First Batch Payment No First Batch Payment No First Batch Payment
Number of installment months From 6 months until 36 Months From 6 months until 36 Months
Terms and Conditions Min 4000 SAR Salary – No SIMAH Defaults- 21 years old and up- The client’s obligations are less than 45% Min 4000 SAR Salary – No SIMAH Defaults- 21 years old and up- The client’s obligations are less than 45%
Does the client have the right to obtain a device if he’s without job or salary? NO NO
Is the resident entitled to obtain a device in installments? YES YES
Can a customer pay two consecutive installments in the same month? NO NO
Is the customer entitled to early payment of the entire amount during the installment period? YES YES
Are interest waived in the event of early repayment? YES, Only three months are counted and the rest is dropped YES, Interest for the remaining months will be dropped
Can a student own a device on installments? NO NO
Is it possible to own a device on installments if there are defaults in the SIMAH system? NO NO
Is there a return of the product and a refund? NO NO
The highest amount a customer can get? 50,000 SAR 50,000 SAR
Can customers obtain the maximum financing limit? NO, Depends on client obligations NO, Depends on client obligations


A device worth 5000 riyals. How are the installments calculated? (Be aware this is an example and maybe changed)

First Payment 0 SAR 0 SAR
Yearly benefit 1400 SAR yearly 800 SAR yealy
Monthly Payment 530 SAR Monthly for 1 year 480 SAR monthly for 1 year